Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

3rd Cascadia Poetry Festival a Huge Success

Having over the keys to a poetry festival you’ve created can be a nerve-wracking experience, unless the people given the keys are BETTER DRIVERS! Huge thanks to the Nanaimo, BC, local organizing committee for making the 3rd Cascadia Poetry Festival a huge...

Peter Culley Dead

This was originally posted on the Cascadia Poetry Festival by Kim Clark (below). See also an interview your humble narrator did with Peter last year. ( He will be missed. * * * Peter Culley, one of our local...

Albulhassan, Clark, Greco, Triese Chapbooks

I am so envious of these four chapbooks and delighted they were gifts recently given to me. All from Cascadians and all quite worth while. Wikipedia (by way of the O.E.D.) says: “Chapbook is first attested in English in 1824, and seems to derive from the word...