Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8
Cascadian Zen

Cascadian Zen

What is the nature of the bioregion known as Cascadia? How is this insight expressed by the people who live, work, practice, and play here? Is there a connection between Zen practice, broadly construed, and the Cascadia bioregion? If so, what is it? Who have been the...

506. Curved Projections

This is the first “official” poetry postcard of mine for 2015, year 9. I sent out one “practice card” to someone from last year’s list, but THIS year I decided to use Joanne Kyger’s new book On Time as a source of epigraphs. I am...

Whalen, Zen and Postcards

Thanks to Sam Hamill’s suggestion, I have been reading Crowded by Beauty a biography of Beat Poet and Zen Monk Philip Whalen by David Schneider. Am loving it and finding it a great companion and inspiration for the 9th annual August Poetry Postcard Fest. The...

May 31 Living Room 7P Poetry of Cascadia

Who are the quintessential poets of Cascadia; that area (according to one scholar) from Cape Mendocino in northern California east to Yellowstone Lake, up the Continental Divide to (& including) the Alaska panhandle, most of British Columbia, all of Washington,...