Postcards for Peace

March 9, 2016
by Ryukan
554. Bridge to Non-Local

554. Bridge to Non-Local (For Victor Margolin)

I participated in the first World Peace Poets postcard project this past February, after being invited by Carla Shafer. Rather than post every poem I wrote, I have put together a page which will feature all the poems I wrote for the project. The card I chose for #554. Bridge to Non-Local is one of those rare cards where I actually tied the image into the poem and it worked out well. The poem also turned out to be a reference to my friend and Subud Brother Victor Margolin who is recovering from a fall he took that affected his spine. May good healing energy come to him and may you enjoy my contributions to this new postcard project. Click image for link to the page with all the February Peace Postcards I’ve posted so far.

1 Comment

  1. Walter Lowe

    It is cool (or “Kewl” as my children put it) that you have them all numbered. It’s on my list to archive the poems and cards as well. The last two didn’t go out until this past weekend, so I’m giving them time to wander through the postal system. I sent out cards and poems to all 35 names on the list, with 23 coming in. A couple of the hand-made / collage made it into the mailbox on their last legs. I wonder what happened to the other 12 or so. Hopefully they can navigate through the “winds of war” blowing through the system.


    W. and McArthur Gilstrap.

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