Poetry Postcard Fest Committee

Dr. Ina Roy-Faderman
Poetry Postcard Board chair since its inception, Dr. Ina Roy-Faderman (she/her) has been a yearly participant in the Poetry Postcard Festival for over a decade and co-editor of the Poetry Postcard Fest anthology, 56 Days of August (Five Oaks Press, 2017). Her writings, focusing on the natural world and non-human animals, can be found in Trash Panda Magazine, Pigeon Papers, The Rumpus, Minding the Future (Springer Verlang, 2021) and the forthcoming Purr and Yowl anthology, among others. When she’s not writing, providing editorial assistance for Right Hand Pointing, or herding the human and non-human animals in her household, she teaches medical ethics and philosophy of science at Oregon State University.

Sally Hedges-Blanquez
is a poet and educator. Her work appears on the Seattle Poetic Grid, in the anthology Strange Fruit: Poems on the Death Penalty, as well as on postcards in mailboxes. She lives on the traditional land of the Coast Salish people where she writes, gardens, and shares plants and berries.

J.I. Kleinberg
An artist, poet, and freelance writer, J.I. Kleinberg lives in Bellingham, Washington, USA, and on Instagram @jikleinberg. Her poems have been published in print and online journals worldwide. Her visual poems were featured in a solo exhibit at Peter Miller Books, Seattle, Washington, in May 2022, and displayed at the 2022 Skagit River Poetry Festival and in The Cutting Edge: Art of Collage in Asheville, North Carolina, in April 2023.

Zachary Brett Charles
is a young artist and teacher living in Seattle, WA with his partner, their cat, Frankie, and their dog, Earle. He loves writing of all kinds but mostly works on poetry and short stories. He has poetry published in the ezine breatheeveryone.net. They also make multimedia works that involve painting, drawing, and collaging. They have lots of thoughts and feelings about the state of the world which can hopefully be deciphered in their works of art. Above all, they consider themself a storyteller weaving a tale they cannot finish. Other works of theirs can be found on Twitter @brettspoems, Instagram @bretts_poems, and now on their website https://brettcharles.wixsite.com/brettspoems. As a member of the Poetry Postcard Fest Project Board, they hope to get other young writers involved in the project and spread the love and connection of poetry.

Margaret Lee
Margaret joined the Poetry Postcard Fest in 2020. She is a poet, scholar, fiber artist, watercolor sketcher, and aspiring naturalist in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She finds poems in the Oklahoma prairies, New Mexico deserts, Oregon seashores, and inner landscapes. Margaret is retired from a career in higher education as administrator and college faculty member in the Humanities. Her academic research and previous publications focus on the language, history, and culture of the ancient world, and she has published three chapbooks with Finishing Line Press: Someone Else’s Earth (2021), Sagebrush Songs (2022), and Oklahoma Summer (2023).
*CPL Project Boards are committees of the organization and do not have fiduciary responsibility, which remains with the CPL Board of Directors. Project Boards offer suggestions to CPL on best practices, improving the experience of participants and increasing levels of participation. Project Board members act as ambassadors for the project they represent and for CPL.