Final 2014 Postcard Call

July 23, 2014
by Ryukan



Signup for the 2014 fest is over.

Website Countdown Clock

Countdown Widgets

The original call is here and is required reading for anyone participating.

To participate, send your name, mailing address & email to Use the word “postcard” in the subject line, like so:

Paul Nelson
1234 Main St.
Slaughter, WA 98002

We are up to 410 and they come from: Alabama, Alberta, Arizona, Australia, British Columbia, California, Canada, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, France, Germany, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, India, Indiana, Japan, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, New Zealand, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Oregon, Pakistan, Pennsylvania, Singapore, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, UK, USA, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wales, Washington, West Virginia & Wisconsin.  Comment below if I have missed something. I have added all postcard participants to the twice-weekly email so they can be informed about developments and next year’s call. Unsubscribing is easy, as there is a link at the bottom of every email.

Jimi Hendrix Stamp

Jimi Hendrix Stamp


Many participants have thanked me for envisioning and administering the fest and I thank you for participating. I would love to get more participants from outside North America, so please do spread the word far and wide. One participant also sent me scrumpy cider from Flushing, MI! Now we’re talking! Thanks Denise Hill.

I would also recommend reading poetry this month. As you probably know, I have been using epigraphs on my poems for years. That practice helps keep me in the poetry mode. George Bowering said you should read 200 poems for every one you write and that’s a good target.   

Spring Street Center, 15th & Spring in Seattle

Spring Street Center, 15th & Spring in Seattle

And also consider attending our Poems for Peace event September 21, 2014, at 7P at Spring Street Center in Seattle. Details soon. I’d love to see 30 postcarders there and there is lodging in the house, but it tends to get reserved a couple of weeks in advance.


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