Sept 1 = End of Poetry Postcard Fest

September 1, 2020
by Ryukan

Happy September. The fest is over, except for the stragglers. Expect a few cards coming in these next few days and then maybe one or two a few weeks late. This year with 156 days rather than 56 due to the lockdown designed to help deter the spread of COVID-19, the novel Coronavirus, the fest for the first time was a long haul. Next year will be back to “normal.”

Registration for 2021 is now open at Submittable. Your may also register there for the Poetics as Cosmology workshop designed to take your experience with spontaneous composition further. The Saturday morning class has filled and there are 11 slots left in the Sunday 4-6PDT workshop. It is a six week course that starts Sunday, October 4, 2020. Use Submittable, or send $128.50 via PayPal.

Now is the time to get out the rest of your cards, if any, and consider writing an afterword/wrap-up about your own process, what you did, how it evolved, who/what influenced it, what current events found there way into your consciousness &/or poems. Some examples from past years:

2019 Wrapups
Amy Miller’s 2016 Fest Wrap-up.
Or Amy’s 2018 wrap-up.
Judy Kleinberg’s 2014 fest summary with links to other participant blogs.
Her 2015 fest wrap-up.
Angélique Jamail’s 2018 afterword.

A committee is being formed to see if we can have a gallery &/or museum exhibit sometime in 2021 to mark 15 years of Poetry Postcard Fest. Ping me if you are interested.

Also, I plan on interviewing some folks about their Poetry Postcard Fest process in late November, early December, so email me, Paul E Nelson, at Splabman (at) icloud (dot) com if you are interested and have not done this interview with me. Thanks for being part of this community and do help us spread the word about this project.

I will be posting my own afterword and some of the images of cards I got over the next couple of weeks, but will be backpaking for a few days in the Olympic Mountains. Celebrating 20 years of no helicopter rescues this year!


  1. Andrew mark Bell

    I have only just finished sending the last of my cards, Paul, (the reason will be illuminated in my Afterword when I write it) and I would be happy to write an Afterword, but I don’t know how or where on your POPO website to do this. Please enlighten me.

  2. POPO Pops

    You can post it here!

  3. POPO Pops

    Or on your website/blog if you have one and post a link here.

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