Poetry Postcard Orientation

July 1, 2021
by Ryukan

We had an excellent time talking poetry postcards on Juneteenth, June 19, 2021. Over 30 people joined the Zoom affair as Poetry Postcard Fest Co-Founder Paul E Nelson talked about the origin of the fest, a collaboration with Lana Ayers, who simply said: “I’ll help.” (You don’t know how important those two words are sometimes!)

Paul covered this wide-ranging agenda:

  1. History
  2. https://www.poetrypostcardfestexhibit.org/
  3. This year’s fest (di Prima and McClure)
  4. https://paulenelson.com/2021/06/19/david-stephen-calonne-diane-di-prima-visionary-poetics-the-hidden-religions/
  5. Process
  6. Resources
  7. Methods
  8. https://tang.skidmore.edu/exhibitions/275-ellsworth-kelly-postcards
  9. The fest’s ongoing depth…
  10. Questions

See the video here:

Registration for 2021’s fest ends July 18. See: popo.submittable.com/submit

1 Comment

  1. StanleydelGozo

    Namaste Cascadia et al….nice format easy to read…StanleydelGozo

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