Mary Beth Frezon PPF Afterword

October 10, 2021
by Ryukan

Mary Beth Frezon 2021 Cards ReceivedThank you Mary Beth Frezon, veteran postcarder, for these wise words:

Yes I’m one of those people who mark your card as arrived when it does but I don’t worry about it if it doesn’t. I’m grateful for all the cards that arrive and stick with my notion that the Poetry Postcard Fest is really about the writing and sending of cards and anything that arrives is great!

What a joy for me to read this in your poetry postcard fest afterword linked here:

Poetry Postcard Fest 2021 – It’s a wrap!

& dig that hashtag #dothework  Amen!

1 Comment

  1. Mary Alice Williams

    Yes #dothework resonates as a first-time participant. My writing benefited from the motivation provided by my Group 14 poets sending and receiving. This has been such a positive experience that I have already registered for next year.
    I,too, feel this year is a wrap. Last week I composed a quasi-Cento with lines adapted from each postcard I received. Revisiting, and mine the cards made me appreciate all who had sent them.
    I’m wondering if it is okay to share the patchwork poem that resulted or is that not in keeping with the spirit of the Fest. Thanks to all.

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