The Fest Starts in 22 Days

June 13, 2022
by Ryukan

(Postcard by Tim Mateer)

Thanks to the folks who came to our Inside the Day Song workshop last Saturday. More news about that project will be forthcoming.

Now is the time for the last-minute postcard fest registrants to step up and commit to participating in this life-changing project. More than a “write everyday” poetry project, it is a community based in a poetics that are “alive and conscious” in the words of Michael McClure. His inspiration helped create the fest and Year 16 will begin on July 4. Registration closes on the 4th.

Some wonderful testimonials are coming in via the Poetry Postcard Fest Facebook page:

Joe Cottonwood
For an introverted poet (and aren’t we all?) the fest is like a great party – hiding our faces behind postcards we can touch – we can dance and be playful – and unlock some fine poetry…

Charlene Neely:
I first participated in 2010 I believe and then could not for many years. Got started again 3 years ago and love it even more than that first time. I have sent and received cards from all over the world and become friends with many of these. It ties me to the world as a whole.

Teri Buthman Mahl:
As much as I love writing poetry, what I love about participating is the connections I made (though brief) when I receive a postcard in my mailbox. It makes me remember that we are all one and gives me a glimpse into lives of people I may never meet in person but I have “seen” them…their creative spirit, their emotions, their love. Poetry postcards are a reminder to open my heart.

Judy Kleinberg:
The Poetry Postcard Fest is both community and practice. This simple medium gives each of us an opportunity to find and share our own voice. Since I first participated, in 2011, writing a short, unprompted poem each day has evolved from a one-month-a-year activity to a daily habit. During that time, I’ve exchanged postcards with hundreds of people, actually met a few in person, and enlarged my poetry network far beyond the local. The connections are vital and I often find myself surprised to remember that I’ve not actually met most of these wonderful poets and artists.

Neal Lemery:
The project ramped up my writing, and my appreciation for the “daily write” discipline. What a celebration of the art of poetry and writing! I received such great and inspiring poems from strangers who became colleagues and fellow artists.



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