Postcard Open Mic

September 15, 2022
by Ryukan
We had a wonderful Open Mic for Poetry Postcard Fest participants Saturday morning, September 10, 2022. The sense of community was palpable and it is always nice to meet the people behind the cards you received. Our count was 22 poets. Video is linked below and registration for the 2023 fest is open now at: Our thanks go out to to SICA-USA for their third year of sponsoring the fest.

(Featured image courtesy of Allegra Brucker)

1 Comment

  1. Phillip Periman

    Was in the wtong time zone and unable to participate. Really hated to miss the open mic session. Anticipate every August and the opportunity to write a card a day. Also, what a joy to receive them! When I returned home, four showed up in my retained mail—what fun!

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