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Postcard Fest Open Mic (Short Version)

June 29, 2023
by Ryukan
Ace Administrative Assistant Veronica Martinez has created a Cliff Notes version of the June 4, 2023 Poetry Postcard Fest Open House. See:

As of this morning Group 15 is not quite full and final lists will go out to all groups that are full (1-14) as the fest begins on Tuesday July 4. We’ll close registration when the last group has filled up.


  1. Kathie Nye

    How can I share my poem in the open Mic in group 15 on July 4th? What time?

  2. Maggie Mayer

    Absolutely wonderful. Many thanks!

  3. Splabman

    I think that event was in 2022.

  4. Shawna

    Paul and All,
    Thank you for this short version, I was out of town for the opening! I am really excited for my 3rd year of Popo fest, to create love and words and art in post card form, for all the great poets in my group! And even more, I’m excited to open my mailbox to all those delicious, exotic, fabulous pieces from you…. YAY!!!!!!!

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