Zach Charles Poetry Postcard Fest Video

March 20, 2024
by Veronica Martinez

Poetry Postcard Video by Zach Charles

Poetry Postcard Fest board member Zach Charles made a video discussing why he loves PPF and reading a Postcard Poem! Watch the video below!

Registration for PPF 2024 is open NOW! Register HERE.


  1. Ana Manwaring

    I’m big on found poems. Love Zach’s poem!

  2. Clayton Clark

    What a fantastic idea, to turn those postcard poems into a Found poem!! Love how it turned out and great reading by Zach. Much appreciated.

  3. Ina

    I love this poem! Thank you for sharing it!

  4. Ruth

    Our poetry group has several members who have signed up for this as first-timers. We are excited to be a part of a worldwide poetry project! I hope I am up to the challenge of a daily writing commitment, but am ready to get to it. I have postcards and am as ready as I can be. 🙂

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