2024 Poetry Postcard Fest Banner

Earlybird Registration Closes June 4!

May 31, 2024
by Veronica Martinez

Poetry Postcard Fest Earlybird Registration ends June 4!

Register for the 18th Poetry Postcard Fest NOW in order to take advantage of our early bird pricing! After June 4, the price of PPF registration will go up. If you’ve already registered, let your loved ones know to register ASAP!

We are looking forward to another wonderful Poetry Postcard Fest this year! In preparation for the fest, we have lots of resources and inspiration on our website, PPF Facebook page and PPF Instagram. If you have any questions about registration and the fest, please feel free to contact veronica@cascadiapoeticslab.org.


1 Comment

  1. Sipra Roy

    Congratulation to the spirit of growing poetry-lovers, poetry sharers! It is expected to focus on ‘quality’ of work.

    By quality I mean ‘simplicity of thought and words instead of pedantic . Thank you

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