2015 Postcard Final Stats

July 27, 2015
by Ryukan
Georgia O'Keeffe

Georgia O’Keeffe

The signup for the 9th August Poetry Postcard Fest is final and the list has been sent to all participants. The total number of participants is down from an all-time high in 2014 – 423, to 208 in 2015, but the addition of a small signup fee discouraged some and life, others.

If signees are telling the truth, there are at least 56 rookies on the list, which is remarkable. Countries represented include:

Australia, Canada, France, Japan, UK and the USA. There are at least 19 California poets, 15 from Oregon, 11 from Texas and 57 from The Evergreen State, which means I have to get out more.

Resources, as usual, can be seen from the drop down button under the MAIN PAGE for the fest, and include:

Judy Kleinberg’s 2014 fest summary with links to other participant blogs.

Finally this note from: Linda Hochstetler Wade:


Linda sent this. Postcard Gown. https://www.theconcentriccircleblog.com/home/2010/8/9/detroit-artist-uses-hundreds-of-postcards-to-recreate-one-go.html

One more thing….I just had to tell you…..I received my first postcard yesterday!! So much fun! I’ve been carrying it around with me (bookmarking my writing notebook) and have read it several times, feeling an unexpected connection of sorts to the sender. Gonna send my first 3 out today.

I was reminded of a comment Michael McClure made to a group of students at what was then the Naropa Institute. In 1976 he was lecturing on a Personal Universe Deck and said if you do it right, “you’ll get a little high.” I told Linda that happens with the postcard fest. Of course regular marijuana users (hey, it’s LEGAL here in Cascadia) will laugh at that, but they have trained their body for a high that requires a substance, whereas THIS high only involves a LETTER CARRIER. Thanks Linda.

& a huge gracias to the Class of 2015 August Poetry Postcard Fest participants. If you did not hear, three of them are working on getting an anthology of poetry postcards together, so do document your work and be ready for that, the details of which will be published in this blog as soon as they are finalized. See you at the mailbox.



  1. Media Shy

    Thanks for all you do, Paul. I did not sign up this year due to time constraints, NOT the $10 fee. Hope this event continues forever. It is always such a treat to get something in one’s mailbox that is not a bill or advertising.

    Enjoy this year’s PoPoFest!


  2. Splabman


    I understand. The countdown clock for next year’s signup has begun. I appreciate your kind words. Paul

  3. Ruth Hudgens

    From this newbie…I’m confused. While I loved getting a cool postcard and poem on July 25, I thought the fest started August 1. Am I being too literal? Hudgie45@ hudgh

  4. Splabman


    “3. No later than July 27, write original poems directly (1st take) onto three different postcards addressed to the three names below you on the list of poets…”

    Earlier is ok. Some folks can’t wait. Some folks want more time. Do what feels good.


  5. mbquilts

    Thanks for the full list. Sorry to be a worrier but are we still using the original groups that you emailed out as they formed?

  6. overanout

    Where would I get the full list? Just in case I consider becoming an over achiever. I’m in total agreement with the “high” this produces!

  7. Splabman

    In your inbox…

  8. Splabman

    Yes, please.

  9. Walter Lowe

    I see the rookie presence. Last week I received my first card mailed on July 22nd, but I couldn’t find the poet’s name in my group. Now I realize it was a poem by a British poet typed and pasted onto the card.

    Oops! They should be “original” poems. At least through Google I learned about a poet I wasn’t familiar with previously.

    (That’s okay – my students don’t read the guidelines to my assignments very carefully either – and their grades depend on it!)

  10. dianecammer

    After six consecutive years, I didn’t sign up this year due to the charge – thought over $2000 for an administrative fee (assuming at least 200 participants) too much. Would have if I knew some of the money was going to promote poetry in schools, etc.

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