506. Curved Projections

August 27, 2015
by Ryukan
Joanne Kyger

Joanne Kyger

This is the first “official” poetry postcard of mine for 2015, year 9. I sent out one “practice card” to someone from last year’s list, but THIS year I decided to use Joanne Kyger‘s new book On Time as a source of epigraphs. I am getting so much out of her work which owes much to Philip Whalen, whose biography I am also reading, slowly, this month. The combination of Buddhism, politics and snark are unparalleled in Kyger’s work and, approaching 80, she has been at it for about 60 years. I bet she does not like being reminded of this but it’s better than the alternative, right? It is not yet September, but this card was sent the on the first day of the fest, when the early registrants (Group 1) had signed up and gotten their list for this year’s fest, so off we go to starting to post all of these.

506. Curved Projections


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