Poetry Postcard Fest co-founder Paul Nelson interviews Clarissa Duran on her experience with the august POetry POstcard festival.
DaySong 2024
DaySong 2024 on September 1 The DaySong is a poem written in a 24 hour period (or the 16 or so hours you’re awake...
Thank you .. very interesting and inspirational !
❤️ it
Just watched, and enjoyed the warmth and clarity. Clarissa is a wise and beautiful speaker. This is what is wonderful about this community process, a glimpse of another good heart in the world! thank you Paul and Clarissa.
Alo-HA Clarrisa….thanks for the “inner-view”….sending you many PoPo blessings from Deming NM…StanleydelGozo
This is just a wonderful interview. I am so glad to have read this today, and it is inspiring me & increasing my anticipation of this year’s poetry postcard festival. This is my 4th year, and every year it gets better & better.