Poetry Postcard Fest Interviews

November 21, 2020
by Ryukan

Now that our post-Poetry Postcard Fest workshop is over and has received some rave reviews (see THIS and also THIS) we’re ready now for another round of interviews with Poetry Postcard Fest participants for posting on Youtube and on this site. If you were not interviewed about your Poetry Postcard Fest process in the past (or if your interview was marred by a bad Zoom connection) and would like to talk about your Poetry Postcard Fest experience and read one of your own postcard poems, please reply in the comments as to what slot you would like. First come, first served and if you have not commented before, your comment will need to be approved by an administrator before it is posted so be patient.

All times Pacific Standard Time:

Monday, November 30, 11am: Diane Elayne Dees
Monday, November 30, 1pm: Jane Swanson
Wednesday, December 2, 9am: Philip Riley
Friday, December 4, 1pm: Andrew Bell
Monday, December 7, 1pm: Wilderness Sarchild
Monday, December 7, 3pm: Alicia Gignoux
Tuesday, December 8, 2pm: C.J. Prince
Thursday, December 10, 1pm: Cat Ruiz Kigerl
Friday, December 11, 1pm: Nina Murray

See past interviews: https://cascadiapoeticslab.org/interviews/

Thanks for being part of this community and please tell a poet friend about this project, for which registration is open for 2021 (YEAR 15!) at: https://popo.submittable.com/submit



  1. Wilderness Sarchild

    Hi Paul,
    I would like to be interviewed on Monday, Dec. 7, at 1 pm. If that is already taken, any other Monday will probably work.
    Thanks. I look forward to talking with you.

  2. Jane Swanson

    Sign me up
    Jane Swanson
    Nov 30 1pm pt

  3. Nina Murray

    I can do any time Monday, Dec. 7 with the caveat that I’m in the Eastern time zone. Thank you!

  4. POPO Pops

    We’re on!

  5. POPO Pops

    You got it!

  6. POPO Pops

    11am PST! Looking forward Nina.

  7. Cat Ruiz Kigerl

    Hello Paul, I’d like an interview on Thursday, Dec 10th at 1pm. If not available, Friday afternoon.
    Thanks for offering this,

  8. Diane Elayne Dees

    I can do Monday, Nov. 30 at 11 am PST.

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