Alicia Gignoux has enjoyed being part of the Poetry Postcard Fest poetry exchange.
She taught Spanish at the university level in Montana for many years
and spent time serving in Mexico with the Peace Corps.
What Happened to August?
From PPF Committee member Judy Kleinberg: If you’ve ever changed your name, you will appreciate how difficult it is to...
Thank you for the interview. I found the “one day” of writing poems interesting … beyond my attention span.
Paul, I also found the idea of … forget who you did it .. but the connected butcher paper so they would have to stop
and change the paper mid-thought. Wish I’d thought of that back in the day 🙂
Very much enjoying all the interviews.
Interesting, delightful, multi-faceted personalities, the August poetry participants are. And Paul is a great interviewer.
June, bless your heart! Thanks for the kind words and for being a POPO poet! Happy 2021!
Congratulations Dr. Alicia!! I’m very proud to have had you as a tutor in ESAp, and I greatly admire your enthusiasm and intelligence. I really like POPO Poetry! ☺
Paul, really loving these interviews!
Abhaya! Thanks for watching them!