Poetry Postcard Fest Interview with Diane Elayne Dees

December 7, 2020
by Ryukan

Diane Elayne Dees discusses her involvement in Poetry Postcard Fest, the Poetry Postcard Fest after her first year of participation.

Diane Elayne Dees’s poetry, short fiction and creative nonfiction have been published in many journals and anthologies, and her poetry has been read on radio programs, including Martha Stewart’s. A former political blogger, Diane published her own blog on progressive issues and also wrote for several years for the Mother Jones MoJo blog. She currently publishes Women Who Serve, a blog that delivers news and commentary on women’s professional tennis throughout the world. Diane is the author of the poetry chapbook, Coronary Truth (Kelsay Books), and the forthcoming chapbook, I Can’t Recall Exactly When I Died. She is also the author of two Origami Poems Project microchaps, Beach Days and Pandemic Times. Diane lives in Covington, Louisiana, just across Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans. Her author site is Diane Elayne Dees: Poet and Writer-at-Large.


  1. Jane Swanson

    You might find me doing origami books all day today after enjoying this interview!

  2. StanleydelGozo

    Diane Elayne Dees & Paul Nelson….what a wonderful 20 plus minutes of “Inner View”…loved the Bob Dylan quote regarding his songs…” I don’t write them, I bring them through”…..thanks for the smiles this morning….Om Namah Shivaya “We are the light of the world” StanleydelGozo

  3. POPO Pops

    Thanks Brother! Happy Solstice.

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