Post-Fest Open Mic Video

September 5, 2021
by Ryukan

There were 45 attendees at the Poetry Postcard Fest Open Mic event, Saturday, September 4, 2021 via the dreaded (miracle) of Zoom. Richard Osler of Duncan, BC, was a brilliant emcee and Ina Roy-Faderman, co-editor of 56 Days of August helped coordinate the list of participants.

The love of the fest and the vibrant creativity which defines it was in abundance during the 90 minute event and registration for 2022 is open here.

Registrations are also filling up the two post-fest spontaneous poetry composition workshops facilitated by fest co-founder Paul E Nelson. See:

1 Comment

  1. Shaun Pankoski

    Thank you for creating this video for those of us who missed the original. First timer, a little shy and technically challenged. Did get to match name with face for only one of Group 4…so jealous you’re in Paris, Phillip Periman!

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