2021 Poetry Postcards received by Paul E Nelson


October 26, 2021
by Ryukan

Look at the 53 cards I got in 2021:

If the baseball season can go into November, then postcard season can go late into October and I have been blown away by all the postcard love I got this year. I did hear some folks did not receive all of their cards and some cards were returned and I think the USPS did all they could to weather the “last guy” as Joe Biden calls El Caudillo Analfabetico, so we urge patience regarding cards that you are to receive.

Since workshop season ends November 4 and the Jan 2022 workshop season is now open for registration here, we can begin the process of interviewing participants from last year. If you are interested in being interviewed about your 2021 postcard experience, pick a slot and reserve it in the comments below. Ina Roy-Faderman will be joining me in this participant interviewing effort, which is a blessing. Thanks for being part of this community!

All times Pacific Standard Time. All interviews conducted via Zoom.

Monday, Nov 8 11am
Monday, Nov 8 1pm
Monday, Nov 8 3pm

Tuesday Nov 9 12N

Wednesday Nov 10 11am
Wednesday Nov 10 1pm

Monday, Nov 15 11am
Monday, Nov 15 1pm
Monday, Nov 15 3pm

Tuesday Nov 16 12N

Wednesday Nov 17 11am
Wednesday Nov 17 1pm

Thursday Nov 18 11am
Thursday Nov 18 1pm
Thursday Nov 18 3pm

Friday Nov 19 11am
Friday Nov 19 1pm
Friday Nov 19 3pm

Of course registration for the 2022 postcard season is open here and you can support the Cascadia Poetics LAB by becoming a Founding Supporter and be part of our historic reading of 4 master poets.


  1. Laura Gamache

    I’d love to be interviewed about my 2021 POPO experience!
    Wednesday, November 17 at 11 am is my first choice.
    Thursday, November 18 at 11 am is my second choice.
    Friday, November 19 at 11 am is my third choice.

  2. Penelope Moffet

    I’d be happy to talk with you about the festival, Paul and Ina. The one date of those listed that can work for me is Wednesday, 11/17, so I’ll pick 1 p.m. that day.

  3. Paul Nelson

    Bless you Laura. We may have two other interviewers so we will be in touch when we get this mailed down. With gratitude for your inspired participation!

  4. Paul Nelson

    That’s your slot! Excellent Penelope!

  5. Daniel L. Smith

    Wednesday November 10 at 11a pacific time is 1pm central and that works perfectly with my schedule !! Looking forward to it. Miss our conversations.

  6. David


    Monday the 8th is good for me, but 11am or 1pm, (earlier is better).
    Wed, the tenth and Monday the 15th (11, or 1pm) also OK.

    all the best

  7. Lawrence Pevec

    I’m traveling to Northern CA to spend time with my son Lucien between Nov 10 and 18. Id like to talk anytime after the 20th as I don’t know if I’ll extend my trip a few days.

  8. Paul Nelson

    Lawrence! You’d make a great interview subject. When you can settle on a time, please put it in the comments. We have two people doing interviews this year and, depending on what time is best for you, we can assign an interviewer. Wtanding by… Paul

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