Lawrence Pevec on Postcard Poetry

February 1, 2022
by Ryukan

Lawrence Pevec PPF 2020Our intrepid interviewer Ina Roy caught up with two time participant, Colorado resident Lawrence Pevec, to discuss his experience with the Poetry Postcard Fest. He talked about his main focus, the art on the card itself. He has created encaustics and that created the concern that wax-covered cards may not reach their destinations, but sharing the art is a priority. He does not consider himself a poet. He has done mail art for years. He appreciates that the postcard fest allows him to create a number of smaller pieces, similar to working in a sketch book. See Lawrence’s bio below. See the whole interview here:

I was born in North Eastern Ohio, on a small farm where I enjoyed a rural, natural childhood that involved playing hard in nature; camping, hunting, swimming in the creeks, and working on local farms in the summer. After high school I attended The Columbus College of Art and Design in Columbus, Ohio and spent four years there. I developed a lifelong appreciation for all aspects of art, design and culture that became my career and spanned several design disciplines including graphic design, interpretive and commercial exhibit design, interior design, architecture, and, finally, motion picture production design. I designed sets and props for TV series, movies of the week, and feature films. My fine arts activities included creation of a body of work while living in Portugal and later in Portland. I went back to school in 2003 to acquire a MA in Leadership and Training at Royal Rhodes University in Victoria, BC. I currently live in Boulder, Colorado, have a small business and enjoy working with World Subud Association Archives editing video contributions to the archives collection.



  1. Lawrence Pevec on the Postcard Fest - SICA-USA - […] See the interview here: […]
  2. SICA-USA Continues Its Support of Poetry Postcards - SICA-USA - […] See the interview with postcard poet, Subud member and SICA-USA Board Member Lawrence Pevec here. […]

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