2024 Poetry Postcard Fest Banner

Share your PPF poems!

September 19, 2024
by Veronica Martinez

Share your PPF postcard poems!

Thank you so much for another incredible, record-breaking Poetry Postcard Fest! We’d like to give you the opportunity to share your 2024 postcard poetry with the Cascadia Poetics Lab community! If you’d like, click the link below to share images of 3 postcards and 3 poems you sent during the fest, along with any other thoughts you have on the fest! 

CLICK HERE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nbeyVey_VqpBL5HnhPeDPWZam0i1gyPqdjnt1lqWZJY/edit?usp=sharing 

Directions on how to upload your images and writing are available on the document. Once you have uploaded your image and writing, you can simply exit out of the document, no need to save! Once you have done so, you will receive a special message from Paul and Veronica as a thank you! Please note, by choosing to upload your images and poems to the document, you are allowing Cascadia Poetics Lab to share the content on our blog, social media, and additional PPF content in the future. Your work will always be credited if it is shared elsewhere.

We are so grateful for your support and for the wonderful community that has formed around this fest. REGISTRATION FOR PPF 2025 is open now! 

1 Comment

  1. Daniel Lloyd Smith

    Thank you for all you do to make poetry come alive. Even for us outliers in the great mid waste and not near the Cascadian hot bed of poesy! Great fest this year.

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