Poetry Postcard Fest Update

April 6, 2020
by Ryukan

Our Poetry Postcard Fest project is one of many happening in our world right now that understands the need to document the historic nature of this global pandemic and its effect on daily life. That most state governments in the U.S., some more quickly than others, created Shelter-in-Place guidelines is quite remarkable and shows me that casino capitalism has not yet eclipsed care for human life and well-being. That thousands of people are dying is a tremendous tragedy and that the U.S. Federal Government’s response has been confused and bungling should not be a surprise to anyone paying attention and adds to the tragic nature of this event.

Poetry Postcard Fest, our annual poetry postcard fest now in year 14 is one way to document daily life and six groups of 32 poets are now active and a 7th group is halfway to its goal of 32. A great post about the need to document this novel time is available here: https://paulenelson.com/2020/04/06/documenting-pandemic/ and registration for Poetry Postcard Fest is here: https://appf14.brownpapertickets.com/

Many blessings to you and yours.


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