A PPF Fall Letter from Ina

From PPF committee member Ina Roy-Faderman: At the start of every autumn, I process my summer’s poetry postcard infusion. This year’s Fest was really weird for me. I was living in a tiny apartment across the country from my home and my mail. The postcards I was...

Share your PPF poems!

Share your PPF postcard poems! Thank you so much for another incredible, record-breaking Poetry Postcard Fest! We'd like to give you the opportunity to share your 2024 postcard poetry with the Cascadia Poetics Lab community! If you'd like, click the link below to...

Sherri Olson’s Postcard Books

How Sherri Olson organizes her postcards From PPF participant Sherri Olson: Nan’s cute binder made me think I should share my solution. Years ago at a library conference, an artist, who worked as a bookbinder while in art school, showed us how to make these recycled...


Early bird registration for PPF 2025 is open now! We sincerely hope every postcard poet had an enjoyable 2024 Poetry Postcard Fest. Early bird registration for the 2025 Poetry Postcard Fest is open NOW! Register now to take advantage of a lower registration price and...



Poetry Postcard Fest Updates!

Poetry Postcard Fest Updates!

Poetry Postcard Fest 2024 Updates! Thank you so much for registering for Poetry Postcard Fest 2024! We hope you are having an enriching and creative experience as you share your postcards with your...

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Postcards From Mapes Creek

Postcards From Mapes Creek

Postcards From Mapes Creek Join us next to Mapes Creek at 4:30 Sunday, July 14, 2024, as Tim Mateer, of Austin, TX, Abhaya Thomas of Portland, OR, and Colette Dutton of Yellville, AR, talk about...

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DaySong 2024

DaySong 2024

DaySong 2024 on September 1 The DaySong is a poem written in a 24 hour period (or the 16 or so hours you’re awake during a 24 hour period). The DaySong was originally envisioned as an attempt to...

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Zach Charles Mid ’24 PPF

Zach Charles Mid ’24 PPF

From PPF Committee Member Zach Charles: Yet again, while reflecting on the Poetry Postcard Fest, I am drawn to the way the project can reveal the power of the accident. This year, unrelated to the...

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This Fest is For the Birds

This Fest is For the Birds

This Fest is For the Birds From PPF committee member Margaret Lee: I arose this morning before the full moon had set. Driving west and then south en route to Deep Fork, my shifting vantage showed me...

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