Ina Roy Faderman postcard image

What Kind of Postcard Poet are You?

July 26, 2024
by Veronica Martinez

What kind of Postcard Poet are you? Take this quiz and find out!

From PPF committee member Ina Roy-Faderman:
Did you know that there are different styles of postcard poets? There sure are! Take this quick quiz and discover your true postcarding self!

Do you:
A) Start writing your first poem onto your first postcard the minute the list hits your inbox?
B) Create collages, photos, paintings, box cuts, encaustics, or other visual feasts in postcard form in the weeks or even months before you start sending out your poems?
C) Hold off on starting writing and sending your first postcard poem until midnight, July 31st ?
D) Send one postcard a day beginning early July, stop a few days beginning of August to deal with a burst pipe disaster or a family outbreak of tummy trouble, and then resume, postcarding till you’ve gone through your list?
E) Keep finding postcards to adopt or purchase, even though you’re fully aware that you have enough postcards to keep you going through the 2024 Fest and the rest of 2024?

You might be A, a great organizer; B, the double-arts postcarder; C, a Fest doyen/ne; D, a family manager, or E, a collector. I’m a D+E myself, as you can see by the photo – I picked up this box of odd postcards when wandering around the Mission District of San Francisco last week. No matter if you’ve got one or more styles though, you’re a Postcard Poet and a benison to everyone in the Fest.

Since postcarders come in a variety of flavors, postcards may be sent at different times, with the goal of making sure that all postcards are mailed by August 31st. So you may receive some early, late, one at a time for a week, or all in a clump. You may have gotten some postcards from people in your group already; you may not start receiving till the beginning of August. If there is still no sign at that point please contact your team captain –everyone should get to enjoy the give and take of poetry this summer!

REGISTRATION FOR PPF 2024 IS STILL OPEN! We are very close to filling up our final group. Please share the postcard with anyone you think might be interested!


  1. Danita Smead

    Add another type to your list: someone who creates some of her cards and writes one poem a day in the middle of winter, when there is nothing else to do! I feel it still holds true to the spirit of the fest. . . one spontaneous, unaltered card at a time. I just shift August to January. Am I in trouble now?

  2. Greg Colburn


    I agree. I do this all-year round. Postcards are great writing prompts… why limit yourself to just one month out of the year?


  3. Ryukan

    I think there is a season for poetry postcards. Thanksgiving is nice, but we do not have it every week, which makes it special. IMO.

  4. Ryukan

    Ina, what a great post!

  5. Ruth

    I’m kind of B and D and did give myself a head start in June having about 10 postcards made up and a few poems prepared to be jump-started. I’m doing well on my list, a little over halfway through and did mail some extras to Europe and Australia the first of July because I thought it would be cool to send postcards there. I’m an artist and did make some of the postcards and bought some vintage and also had a stash of old travel postcards in a box. 🙂 I am thoroughly enjoying the project. Some of the members of my poetry group are doing this project together and we also have met in special Zoom sessions to share our experiences. Loving it!

  6. Angie T.

    I’m B and D. I really enjoy making, writing, receiving! All of it! Enjoy, everyone! All of mine are sent, and I’m already creating collaged postcards for myself and the 2025 Fest!

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