What Happened to August?

From PPF Committee member Judy Kleinberg: If you’ve ever changed your name, you will appreciate how difficult it is to get rid of your previous name. The Poetry Postcard Fest has been around since 2007, when Paul Nelson and Lana Ayers devised a plan for a month-long...

Postcards from Where I Have Never Been by Margaret Lee

From PPF Committee Member Margaret Lee:  Last year, my theme for the Fest was Postcards from Where I Have Never Been. I was tired of reality and ready for fiction. My 31 cards named unfamiliar or imagined places. Did I connect the picture on the front to the poem on...

Support the Poetry Postcard Fest!

The season for postcards is approaching, and Cascadia Poetics Lab needs your support for another year of postcards and poetry! The Poetry Postcard Fest is 56-day exercise in spontaneous poetry composition and a beautiful opportunity to exchange poetry and community...

Postcard Poet Maureen Kane Publishes Poetry Collection

Mycelium: Poetry of Connection published by postcard poet Maureen Kane Postcard poet Maureen Sandra Kane has published a new poetry collection, Mycelium: Poetry of Connection through Gray Matter Press. The collection is "an exploration of the human condition through...



Poetry Postcard Certificates!

Poetry Postcard Certificates!

Share your postcard poems for a PPF certificate!  Thank you so much to every postcard poet that has already shared their postcard art and poems! Postcard poets that share 3 images of their postcard...

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Rest in Poetry Richard Osler

Rest in Poetry Richard Osler

Postcard poet Richard Osler died last night. Huge thanks to all postcard poets who wrote & sent a postcard poem to this fine human and poet. He accepted death like no one I have ever known. A...

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A PPF Fall Letter from Ina

A PPF Fall Letter from Ina

From PPF committee member Ina Roy-Faderman: At the start of every autumn, I process my summer’s poetry postcard infusion. This year’s Fest was really weird for me. I was living in a tiny apartment...

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Share your PPF poems!

Share your PPF poems!

Share your PPF postcard poems! Thank you so much for another incredible, record-breaking Poetry Postcard Fest! We'd like to give you the opportunity to share your 2024 postcard poetry with the...

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Poetry Postcard Certificates!

Poetry Postcard Certificates!

Share your postcard poems for a PPF certificate!  Thank you so much to every postcard poet that has already shared their postcard art and poems! Postcard poets that share 3 images of their postcard...

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