Give Big 2022

Earlybird Registration Ends June 4

April 27, 2022
by Ryukan
Dear Postcard Poet,

The earlybird registration for 2022 (Year 16 of the Poetry Postcard Fest) ends June 4 and the price will nudge up a bit for those who wait for the last month, so…  if you’re into saving money and still having poetry postcards landing in your mailbox during the 56 Days of August, time’s-a-wastin’. REGISTER NOW.

On another note, mark your calendar for the 11th of June, 9am PDT, 12N EDT, for an Epic Poetry Postcard Exercise. Registration will open soon.

Give Big 2022Finally, if you like what the Cascadia Poetics Lab has done since 1993, creating a remarkable interview archive, starting a podcast, staging several iterations of the Cascadia Poetry Festival and publishing books like Make it True, 56 Days of August, Samthology, Make it True meets Medusario, American Prophets and soon, Cascadian Zen, consider a contribution during GiveBig, the annual fundraiser for cultural organizations in Washington State, where we are based. See:

Our goal this year is an ambitious $12K and we want to use the bulk of that for promotion, as people are telling us we have not been good about getting the word out about the work we’ve done for over 28 years. Thanks for considering and for your ongoing interest in and support of this work.


Paul E Nelson

Founding Director

1 Comment

  1. Peggy Miller

    Hurrah — postcard poems again!

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