Cascadia Poetics LAB
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Watershed Press
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Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Art Space, Mt. Baker Station Artist Housing

May 7, 2012

Mt. Baker Station

In what may be their best Seattle project yet, Art Space unveiled their latest plans tonight:

Artspace Mt. Baker Station Lofts, Artspace’s third project in Seattle, will be a mixed-use arts facility containing 57 rental units of affordable live/work space for artists and their families. Located adjacent to the Mt. Baker Light Rail Station, this $18 million project will be a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) consisting of three levels of live/work space. The ground floor will include a community room and 12 commercial spaces for non-profits, creative enterprises and related businesses. 

Complete with rooftop gardens with honeybees, the latest green design and quick access to downtown or SeaTac Airport, these spaces, commercial AND residential, are likely to be snapped up quickly. Kudos to Cathryn Vandenbrink for her ongoing vision and commitment to the Seattle cultural scene.


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