Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Cascadia Poetry Festival Project Board*

Matt Trease

Matt Trease, M.A.

Matt Trease is an artist, poet, IT analyst and astrologer living in south Seattle, WA, where he serves on the board of Cascadia Poetics Lab (SPLAB) and co-curates the Margin Shift reading series. His poems have recently appeared in small po[r]tions, WordLitZine, Phoebe, Fact-Simile, Hotel Amerika, Juked, and in the anthology, 56 Days of August: Postcard Poems (Five Oaks Press, 2017). He is the author of the chapbook Later Heaven: Production Cycles (bussylittle1way designs, 2013).

*CPL Project Boards are committees of the organization and do not have fiduciary responsibility, which remains with the CPL Board of Directors. Project Boards offer suggestions to CPL on best practices, improving the experience of participants and increasing levels of participation. Project Board members act as ambassadors for the project they represent and for CPL.