Breadline Anthology

March 12, 2015

BreadlineThree guys who met at SPLAB and started one of Seattle’s top poetry readings are putting together an anthology and need some funding. From Alex Bleecker:

Hello artists, friends, and family members of the illustrious line of bread!

We’ve been announcing plans for our anthology for a while now, and it’s finally time to put our money where our mouth is.  For the past 4 years you’ve been actively engaged in making Seattle a more interesting, artistic, weird place – and we’re eternally grateful for you efforts.  So grateful, in fact, that we’ve decided to ask you for money.

The anthology will be a high-quality 120+ page artifact that includes work from the poets, prose writers, and visual artists who have been blowing you away 3rd Wednesdays at Vermillion since 2011 – both featured artists and, of course, open mic’ers.  But we can’t do it without a lot of help!  Design, printing, and distribution all cost bread (get it?), so we’re inviting you to join us in the kitchen, get your hands floury, and help us come up with enough dough to bake it all possible (get it again?!?).

To show our appreciation, we’re offering a plethora of donor thank you gifts – from comp drinks to copies of the book, t-shirts to happy hour with the BL boys…and a special recognition of you rain manna from heaven down upon us.  

So please join us in funding this special project by clicking on our INDIEGOGO: BREADLINE LITERARY ANTHOLOGY campaign, and giving whatever feels right for you.  Let’s make some local history, y’all. 

– gb, ab, js


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