2024 Cascadia Poetry Festival 8 – Seattle SCHEDULE

Thursday, October 31
Join Margin Shift for a festival preview reading featuring three festival poets and a poet/educator/activist, 7pm at the Hugo House.
Friday November 1
Location: Workshop Registrants Will Get Info.
9:30 – 11:00 am
- Workshop: Writing and Meditative Openness: How They Interact
- Daphne Marlatt and Fred Wah
2:00 – 4:00 pm
- Workshop: Poetry as Walking and Mapping
- Jami Macarty and Meredith Quatermain
7:00 – 8:30 pm HUGO HOUSE
- Keynote Reading: CA Conrad, Robert Lashley, Fred Wah, Daphne Marlatt
- Cascadia Unfiltered: The Cascadia Poetry Festival After Party
- Host: Greg Bem and Nadine Maestas
- Price: Free to gold pass holders, $10 without gold pass
- Details: The party will take place at PublicDisplay.ART, a short drive from the festival’s main location at the Richard Hugo House. A full bar will be available at the event.
110 Union Street #400
Seattle, WA 98101
Saturday, November 2
Location: Richard Hugo House
9am – 9pm
- Friends of the Cascadia Poetics Lab will have information tables and will be selling books in the area outside the performance hall: Raven Chronicles, Asterism Books, Cascadia Urban and Rural Coalition, Seattle Arts & Lectures and others.
9:00 – 9:15 am
- Invocation
9:15 – 12N
- Panel 1: Issei Zen & Other Migrations, moderator Tetsuzen Jason Wirth. Panelists, Barbara Johns, Frank Abe, Sharon Hashimoto, Claudia Castro Luna & Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs.
- Panel 2: Wilson’s Bowl, moderator Tetsuzen Jason Wirth. Panelists, Stephen Collis, Daphne Marlatt & Fred Wah.
- Lunch/ Breakout Sessions:
Poetry Postcards, Remember the joy you felt when someone sent you a card in the mail? Remember the joy you felt when you sent a card in the mail? Stop by and make a postcard collage to send to someone and write a poem on the back! Write a poem inspired by a quote, by a nearby tree, or by the way the wind whistles in the gutters. Write a poem inspired by the events of the Cascadia Poetry Festival happening around you. And at the end, participate in the maintenance of our poetic community by signing up for the Poetry Postcard Fest to write (and receive!) 31 postcard poems this coming July and August! Hosted by Zach Charles and Sally Hedges-Blanquez.
Writing at Red Lights. Join Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs for a workshop centered on writing in places where you have little time.
CPL Workshop Preview. Join CPL Founder and workshop facilitator Paul E Nelson and CPL Board Member Matt Trease in a discussion of upcoming online workshops including Poetics as Cosmology, Life as Rehearsal for the Poem and Poet as Radio, as we discuss materials, the poetics of the Cascadia Poetics Lab and how to be more fully here and now in your bioregion.
2:00 – 5:00 pm
- Cascadian Zen: Volume II with poets reading from yhe new anthology from Watershed Press: Carletta Wilson, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Stephen Collis, Claudia Castro Luna, Meredith Quartermain, Deborah Poe, Deborah Woodard, Rob Lewis, Jami Macarty & Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs.
7:00 – 9:00 pm
- “Floricanto Cascadia” (“Flower and Song”/“Poetry”/“In Xochitl In Cuicatl”)
- Opens with a Symphony of Cascadia Voices for the Dead on Day of the Dead, curated and conducted by Lorna Dee Cervantes, featuring Mexican, Raza/Chicano, Latiné and other Indigenous American poets alongside Watershed Press poets and others. Open Mic follows. We’ll offer poems, flowers, fotos on altár Ofrenda to dead poets, our beloved dead, the unknown dead. Music. Tables. Free! (Donations accepted.) Hugo House bar & refreshments. Open to all. “The only things we humans leave behind when we die are our flowers and our songs.” –Nezahualcóyotl
Sunday, November 3
Location: Spring Street Center & Neukom Vivarium
10:00 am – 12:00 noon Neukom Vivarium Corner of Broad & Elliott
- Vivarium reading with Robert Michael Pyle, Sharon Hashimoto and Matt Trease.
2:00 – 4:00 pm
- Spring Street Center Memorial reading: tribute to Phyllis Webb, Barry McKinnon w/ Fred Wah, Daphne Marlatt, Stephen Collis, and C.S. Giscombe.
- Tribute to Bernadette Mayer, Lyn Hejinian and other recently deceased poets by Deborah Poe & CAConrad.
3:00 – 4:00 pm
- Ritual Workshop Close CA Conrad