Pageboy Magazine Call

September 17, 2016

From PageBoy Magazine:

PageBoy 2013

PageBoy 2013

PageBoy invites you to submit original work in any form on the theme “writers on writers.” Please consider writing something on your favorite author, or your least favorite author; or on an author you feel deserves more attention, or on an author you feel deserves less. Homage/essay/elegy/interview/rant/criticism/limerick/etc. will all be considered for publication in our upcoming, ninth issue. Subjects can be well known or little known, widely published or not at all, so long as the piece itself is interesting enough. Work should be submitted by Nov. 15th. pageboymagazine (at) hotmail (dot) com

Please feel free to pass this on to writers who may be interested.

We look forward to reading your work,

– PageBoy Crew


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