Heavy Lifting book

Heavy Lifting Art Book (Feilcia Rice, Theresa Whitehill)

March 31, 2023

Felicia Rice, Moving Parts Press It is a collaboration that’s a book, but not a book that you’d bring to bed with you before turning the lights out. It’s also been described as “protest beauty” and is the collaboration of a printer (really, a book artist) and a poet, who’ve created “a full multi-sensory experience about both personal and collective crises of the past few years” or so it is described in the introduction. The book is Heavy Lifting. The printer is Felicia Rice of Moving Parts Press and the poet Theresa Whitehill and we talk to them today via Zoom to see how all this came together, what it means to create stunning works of art that are also books and how we engage the realities of the anthropocene.


Theresa Whitehill Ukiah Poet (photo by Jendi Coursey)


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