Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8
Postcards From Here Web Banner

Postcards From Here

June 25, 2024
Roberta Hoffman
Mapes Creek original native name
Banner Free Presented by Cascadia Poetics LAB

Postcards From Here

Cascadia Poetics Lab will be celebrating the Poetry Postcard Fest with its first in-person postcard event on July 14, 2024 at 11 A.M. PDT at the Olympic Sculpture Park in Seattle, WA! The event will feature three long-time Poetry Postcard Fest poets from around the country that will facilitate workshops focused on their personal approaches to writing and sending first-draft poems on postcards! Registration for this event is not required. Anyone with interest is encouraged to participate, and a background in poetry or writing is not necessary to have a meaningful experience. Thank you Tim Mateer, Abhaya Thomas and Colette Dutton for being a part of this. You will be a better collagist if you attend this free workshop. Thanks also to Heaven Quiban at Seattle Art Museum for arranging this event.

Date banner Postcards From Here
Tim Mateer Postcard
Abhaya Thomas Postcard
Colette Dutton Postcard
DON Seattle Department of Neighborhoods logo

This project is funded in part by a Neighborhood Matching Fund award from Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.

sponsor logos Postcards From Mapes Creek

Photos of Mapes Creek by Paul E Nelson in honor of dxʷwuqʷəb and the ancestral people of this land.


  1. caren stuart

    I love living in North Carolina… except when I see awesome events like this one is sure to be happening soooo…. far…. away…. from me. I’ll be there in spirit. HAVE FUN!!!

  2. Eric Kosarot

    This sounds very fun. My life was forever changed while backpacking though Kerouac’s corner while a world poetry gathering was going on. I’m glad there is a gathering happening next month in Seattle.

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