Nice work by Mark Weiss here, interviewing the remarkable Jerome Rothenberg:
Jerome Rothenberg is an internationally known poet and the author of over eighty books of poetry and ten breakthrough anthologies of experimental and traditional poetries including Technicians of the Sacred, Shaking the Pumpkin, A Big Jewish Book, and Poems for the Millennium in three volumes. He was a founding figure of ethnopoetics as a combination of poetic practice and theory, and he has been a longtime practitioner and theorist of poetry performance. Rothenberg was also the editor/publisher of Hawk’s Well Press in the early 1960s and of four poetry magazines since then, including some/thing (with David Antin) and Alcheringa: Ethnopoetics (“a first magazine of the world’s tribal poetries,” with Dennis Tedlock). In 1968 he received a Wenner-Gren Foundation award for the experimental translation of American Indian poetry, and he has also done extensive translations from a wide range of European poets (Lorca, Gomringer, Schwitters, Picasso, and Nezval, among others). His thirteenth book of poems from New Directions, Triptych, appeared in 2007, and a selection of his essays and interviews, Poetics & Polemics, appeared early last year in the University of Alabama Press’s Modern & Contemporary Poetics series. Three new books of poems are scheduled for 2010 and 2011.