by Ryukan | Mar 7, 2012 | Blog
Poetry Extraction One purpose of jargon is to rationalize discourse by substituting objective language for subjective language. (Just look at that sentence.) Ironically, removing emotion-soaked terms makes language sound disturbed, robotic. Take this blurb from the...
by Ryukan | Mar 3, 2012 | Blog
I Love this Poem Because ____ Tonight’s question for Living Room is simple, but likely contributes to why we write poetry and participate in the circle in the first place: What is a poem you love? Can you bring one to share? If you can articulate where, how, and why...
by Ryukan | Feb 14, 2012 | Blog
“Words can neither define nor explain” -Alan Watts It is not news that the world is in a constant state of flux (just ask the Fluxus poets, or Siddhartha Gautama). Ever-evolving, it parallels life itself; the only thing absolute is amorphousness. In his seminal...
by Ryukan | Feb 7, 2012 | Blog
To paraphrase Bo Diddley: I walked forty-seven miles of barbed wire, I got a cobra snake for a necktie A brand new house on the road side, and it’s a-made out of rattlesnake hide Got a band new chimney put on top, and it’s a-made out of human skull Come on...
by Ryukan | Feb 5, 2012 | Blog
This week in the Living Room, your host Jeremy Springsteed will warm up our minds for the circle with a free association word game. Bring something to write with and on. Speaking of free association: Have you purchased your pass to the Cascadia Poetry Festival yet?...