News: Exquisite Disarray Publishing Announces Contest for Washington State Poets

Exquisite Disarray Publishing, in Tacoma, is asking for submission of poetry manuscripts for its first annual First Book Poetry Contest. Deadline May 15, 2010. The contest will be judged by poet and teacher Kathleen Flenniken. Flenniken is the author of Famous, the winner of the Prairie Schooner Prize in Poetry, and co-editor and president of Floating Bridge Press.
The First Book Poetry Contest will award one Washington State poet a $200 cash prize and publish the winning manuscript as the poet’s first book. The winner will also give a free poetry reading and offer a poetry workshop for the public to enjoy in Tacoma in November 2010—coinciding with “Art at Work” month. In addition to the winning poet’s work being published, a separate contest prize of $100 cash will be awarded to the poetry manuscript submission that contains the best “Tacoma poem.” All poets entering manuscripts in the contest are encouraged to include an original poem about the City of Destiny in their submission.
This contest is open to all Washington State residents 18 years of age and older who have not yet published a full-length book of poetry. Full contest guidelines and editorial contact information can be found at