Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Last Living Room until September June 28 @ 7P

June 22, 2011

The 2nd SPLAB season in Columbia City (and 9th over all) ends on Tuesday, June 28 at 7PM. Your Wily Splabman facilitates and takes you on a poetry postcard journey. This August the annual Poetry Postcard Fest continues. Lana Ayers and I started this in 2007 and more info on past years is here:

Here’s a handout on the exercise. As the handout says, Jack Spicer, Robin Blaser and Ted Berrigan have utilized the form/idea. At the last Living Room, we’ll give you a primer on the project, share some poetry postcards and invite participants to write their own. BYOP or a potentially hideous card will be provided for you.

A great essay on the Postcard Project by David Sherwin.

Writers of all ages and skill levels gather Tuesdays at 7P to read new work, the work of someone else or to just be in the engaging company of other writers. Your donation of $5 helps SPLAB put on special events and continue programming. Please bring 8 copies of the work you plan to read. If you do not bring copies, they are available for 10c.

Living Room happens in the new SPLAB in the Cultural Corner of the old Columbia School, between Rainier AV S and 36th AV S, on Edmunds. We’re 2 blocks from the Columbia City Link Light Rail Station. Parking is available on the school grounds.)


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