Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Cole Swenson Workshop, Reading With Lisa Robertson

February 13, 2014

From Jenny Penberthy:


Date: Sunday, March 16, 12:00-5:00pm
Cost: $50
Location: The Apartment Gallery, Vancouver, BC:

Poetry Looking Out:

Cole Swenson

Cole Swenson


This workshop, engaging both generative and reflective modes, will focus on two things: perception and the creative cycle. Considering poetry as a non-invasive tool of exploration that has particular access to the world’s subtle interstices, we will use various ekphrastic techniques to generate writing that we will then put through a series of response and redrafting stages in order to examine ways of working raw material into a finished piece.

Cole often bases her poetry collections around specific research projects: she has written books on things such as the French formal garden (Ours), the paintings of Pierre Bonnard, (The Glass Age) and the anatomy of the hand (The Book of a Hundred Hands). Her most recent work, Gravesend, looks at the evolution of the ghost in western society.


READING — Cole Swensen and Lisa Robertson:

In the Grand Luxe Hall
303 East 8th Avenue, Vancouver
Weds March 19, 7:30pm (doors 7:00)

$5 at door


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