Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Levertov Plaque Unveiled

December 6, 2016

A small but appreciative group of Denise Levertov fans (including her former doctor) gathered Saturday (12.3.16) at the house in Seattle’s Seward Park neighborhood to attend the unveiling ceremony for a plaque erected in her memory.

Colleen McElroy was the guest of honor and read a story about her many tea-times with Levertov. Jayne DeHaan, of the Rainier Valley Rotary, the organization that partnered with SPLAB to raise funds for the plaque, took many photos and Miles Welch of the Angeline Apartments in Columbia City battled rain and rebar to make sure the plaque went in with care. Feel free to check it out at 5535 Seward Park Av. S. in Seattle just north of Orcas.

Jayne DeHaan, Rainier Valley Rotary

A big thanks to all the contributors:

Richard and Nina Edelman
Ruth Lepson (whose Levertov poem was read at the event)

Miles Welch, Angeline Apartments

Ann Hedreen (who attended)
T. Clear (who also attended)
Valerie Trueblood
Leslie Donovan
Ron and Les Kinkade
Dick Lourie
Judith Roche
James Rosenzweig
Denise Cottingham
Gregory Wolfe
Susan Parr
Kristine Iredale
Margo Stever
Sarah Mangold
Stanley Sabre
Seattle Review of Books
Melanie Noel
Allison Durazzi & Thomas Hard
David Lasky
Anne Erde
Trudy Mercer
Susan Eisenberg
Mark Pawlak
Tom D’Evelyn
Lynn Learned
Deborah Woodard
Greg Bem
Bill Yake
James Anderson
Joel Sloman
Cindy Smith
Amy Murphy
Kevin Bowen
William O’Daly
Robin Birkbeck
Sam Hamill
Lou Oma Durand
Two Sylvias Press
Raven Chronicles


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