John Brehm

John Brehm (The Dharma of Poetry) Interview

February 25, 2022

What a delight to interview John Brehm in his Portland home, Thursday, February 24, 2022. There are a couple of wonderful blurbs for his new book The Dharma of Poetry: How Poems Can Deepen Your Spiritual Practice and Open You To Joy.  David Hinton said: “There is a beautiful alchemy in the way Brehm turns poems into practice. He shows us the ways poems are by their nature moments of liberating attentiveness. And in his clear and welcoming voice, Brehm reveals how that liberation can infuse our everyday lives…” John Brehm is the author of three books of poetry and has had poems published widely in anthologies and journals including Poetry, The Sun and the Writer’s Almanac. He lives in Portland, Oregon and teaches poetry classes in Portland and Denver and his website is

1 Comment

  1. Diana Elser

    Really enjoyed this intelligent, humorous, urgent conversation. Also ordered John Brehm’s anothology and the Dharma one – had not heard of either.

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