Give Big 2022

May 3, 2022

Picture of text Give Big 2022Give Big, the annual campaign to support cultural organizations in the state of Washington is now! The Cascadia Poetics Lab seeks your support to help us increase our visibility and revenues. Many times in the last few weeks I have heard the notion that people in the cultural community have little idea what we have been up to in our 28 years of existence. In the last year we have done the most extensive organizational development in history and are primed for growth and remarkable new projects. New websites for the organization (to match our new name) and for my personal site, Paul E are up and better than they have ever been.

We started out in 1993 as an organization dedicated to creating radio public affairs interview programs and in 2018 our historic archive was donated to the White River Valley Museum in Auburn for preservation.

Take a look, or listen, to hours of interview programming here.


We started a podcast last September called Cascadian Prophets. Listen here.

Our annual self-guided exploration of spontaneous composition and community, the Poetry Postcard Fest has a new website. See it here and join this summer’s fest.


An anthology delving deeply into the culture of this bioregion will be published in 2023 with the launch of Cascadian Zen. And we are making big plans for the launch to be the resumption of the Cascadia Poetry Fest last staged in Anacortes in 2019.

This is why we have set our goal at $12,000. Based on the costs of re-booting websites in the best way, we have estimated this is what it will take to bring proper awareness to what we’ve done since 1993 and prepare for our 30th anniversary December 14, 2023. Please consider a donation to the Cascadia Poetics Lab via Give Big today.

Cascadian Prophets PodcastAmerican Prophets







Poetry Postcard Fest LogoCascadian Zen


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