Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Glen Beck Loves BlazeVOX [books]

In a strange bit of news, I read online that Glen Beck; yes, that Glen Beck had nothing but nice things to say about our press live on his radio show this morning. “It’s national poetry month again, and I wanted to tell you the truth about poets and the anti-america social agenda they seek …. When I was in a on my way to the airport, my publicist left a few books for me to bf09look over for upcoming shows. They were poetry, yuck, right, and other weirdo stuff, but with nothing else within reach but a copy of that liberal rag, The New York Times I went with the BlazeVOX [books]. I know, I know poetry and that entire ilk of lily livered liberality can turn one into a commie, or worse in no time at all. But I gave it a try, if only to dismiss this stuff out of hand. But after long heart-felt deliberations, and after careful reading these books, there is great wisdom to be found in them. I urge you to buy and read these profound works; and if you are able, please donate as much as you can to this worthwhile organization.

Go figure 🙂 (Dated 4.1.10)