Hello Everybody!
You may or may not know that I have a show up at a phone gallery right now –
the show is The Archanoids at 323 Projects http://323projects.com I’d like
to invite you to contribute to the worlds largest sound poetry choir ever by
Oct 1!
The Archanoids exists as the inaugural exhibition of 323 Projects which you
can visit by calling (323) 843-4652 or (323) TIE-IN-LA. The show is open all
day and all night, every day of the week until October 11, 2010. 323
Projects phone gallery will present a new track from the album, The
Archanoids, every other day and invite callers to participate in a
collective sound poem by leaving a message and following an online score.
CALL NOW! to participate in The Arc of Noise, the world’s largest
collaborative sound poetry choir!
Watch the video score at http://323projects.com and call (323) 843-4652 or
(323) TIE-IN-LA to contribute. You can listen to a track from the album, The
Archanoids then leave a message that follows the score by hitting play on
the video at the beep, you may also press 1 twice to skip straight to
leaving a message.
You can read a write up of The Archanoids by Joshua Morrison at Fine Arts LA
and a note at TRY HARDER.