Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Reviews of Becoming Cascadian

Some early reviews of Becoming Cascadian are coming in. (See below). I appreciated Andrew Schelling’s notion that you can find bodhisattvas anywhere, his talk about reading Thoreau’s journals, and his feeling that the best tool for bioregionalists is the...

Levertov Plaque

One of the most important poets ever to live and work in Seattle, Denise Levertov died in 1997. There is no mention of her time in Seattle outside the Seward Park house she called home for eight years, but thanks to the Rainier Valley Rotary, SPLAB is spear-heading an...

Make It True: Poetry From Cascadia

Make It True: Poetry from Cascadia, published by Leaf Press, will be launched at VIU Friday, May 1st, at 7:30pm. This anthology is a collection of innovative and influential poets of Cascadia, the bioregion which stretches from Cape Mendocino in the south to Mt. St....