Living Room April 3, 7P – Synesthesia

  Synesthesia is a neurologically based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic and involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.  We are not talking about constructing clever metaphors here, for...

Living Room, Tuesday 3.20.12 Prose. Poetry. Prose poetry?

Prose. Poetry. Prose poetry? While the debate where one ends and the other begins is destined to rage into eternity, few would argue that prose often appeals to our sense of language, and poetry often retains a narrative edge. We’ll look at and discuss the...

Living Room Tuesday 3.13.12 Poetry Extraction

Poetry Extraction One purpose of jargon is to rationalize discourse by substituting objective language for subjective language. (Just look at that sentence.) Ironically, removing emotion-soaked terms makes language sound disturbed, robotic. Take this blurb from the...

Living Room, Tuesday, Mar 6: I Love this Poem Because ____

I Love this Poem Because ____ Tonight’s question for Living Room is simple, but likely contributes to why we write poetry and participate in the circle in the first place: What is a poem you love? Can you bring one to share? If you can articulate where, how, and why...

Abecedarians Living Room 2.28.12 7P

Abecedarians & Other Constraints This week we’ll take on the notion of the abecedarian and combine it with a page or two from a reference book containing an alphabetical listing of words–the dictionary. From early Hebrew poetry to Harryette Mullen,...