From Eileen Walsh Duncan:
placed a call for submissions in fall 2011. I and many other poets along
the Cacasdia Fault Line were intrigued by the energy and passion in his
vision for the journal and call for submissions. And it sounded just plain
fun to get involved in the journal. Several of the poets involved recommend
that I contact you regarding potential inclusion in your communiques.
planning a reading at Hugo House on July 29 at 3 PM. Readings in other
cities along the Cascadia Fault Line are taking placing throughout the
summer, beginning June 10. In addition Portland has set up “poetry boxes”
much like those that contain house sales information — but contain poems
from the journal instead.
communications about upcoming arts events:

Faultlines Poetry Journal
Fault LinesPoetry
A new journal of west coast poetry
3 PM July 29 2012
163411th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122
Michael Daley
Mike Johnsen
Patricia C Kennedy
Lynn Ann Kister
Angel Latterell
Jed Myers
Carl Palmer
Judith Roche
Tamara Sellman
Judith Skillman
Laura Snyder
Kristen Spexarth
Joannie Stangeland
Eileen Walsh Duncan
San Francisco to Vancouver, BC, the force was felt all along the Pacific
Ring of Fire.
that will move your heart, split your brain, and rearrange your
preconceived notions about poetry and the possibilities it presents to
dramatically affect the human spirit.
How may I contact this Journal?