From Storyteller Laura Simms

August 1, 2012

Laura Simms

Dear Friends,

The need for sharing our stories is now. Take time out of busyness and internet to reach beyond the boundaries of our expectations and habits. Dwell in deep listening, offer dreams and mysteries, read favorite poems, tell jokes, speak about joys and sorrow with each other face to face. The increasing violence of fantasy and disassociated anger and isolation is producing unequaled violence, negative campaign insanity of not thinking that ordering 600 rounds of ammunition is an alert, words drenched in deception. Stories shared form the heart instantly connect us with heart, natural mind and natural world – renders us human and spiritual beings. Instant repair is needed! Take a moment of imagining ourselves in the shoes of others, and offer a sudden story that releases us from preoccupation into radiant alive shared space. Fall in love with poetry of imagination. An emergency is taking place and we can do the smallest and most disarming act of alchemy – communicate with total presence and care.
Joyful summer to all, Laura

See her current newsletter here. I’ll be searching for the interview I did with Laura years ago and add it to the American Prophets page when I do.


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