
August 15, 2012

From Anna Quinn:

What is IS?

A new arts and lit publication holding an inclusive, uncensored space for aspiring local poets, writers, translators, and artists. IS provides a diversity of writers and artists spanning widely in age, style, and content. Poems, translations, and pieces of short-prose are complimented by black and white paintings, collage, sculpture, and photographs. Initially started by a few young poets in the community of Port Townsend eager to see their own work in print, IS aimed for a humble, yet quality journal. Now with its first issue in print IS #1 features over 25 contributors from the arts public.

A launch party for this introductory issue of IS will take place 6:00 PM on August 17th at the Writers’ Workshoppe Bookstore in down-town Port Townsend. All poets, writers, and translators who are able to attend will be reading their work from the publication. This event is open to the public. All interested may and should join.

Submissions are now open for IS #2. Look for fliers and folders marked IS at local venues which include The Writers’ Workshoppe, Undertown, Better Living Through Coffee, The Boiler Room, PT Library and the Co-op. Next deadline for submission is September 26th. Poets, writers, or artists can submit up to 2 poems, 2 pages of prose, or two images of visual art. You can also e-mail any contributions to


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